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Privacy policy

*Privacy policy

The privacy policy below prescribes our policy on handling personally identifiable information (hereinafter also referred to as personal information or privacy information) on this website; more specifically, when and how personal information is obtained, for what purpose it is used, and how it is managed and protected. When you visit the website, you must read this page before use.

Purpose of personal information protection

The purpose of defining the privacy policy is to ensure the protection of privacy by demonstrating to users that staff who are involved in managing the website obtain and use personal information under strict control within the scope and in accordance with a predetermined policy on the handling of personal information to be obtained during the performance of business. Moreover, disclosure of our policy concerning the handling of personal information helps users to make an informed decision on whether to provide personal information. Unless you accept the privacy policy stated below, you should immediately stop using the website.

Personal information protection policy on the website

1. On the website, users may be requested to provide personal information when they intend to use the following services:
* Inquiry form

2. Personal information to be obtained includes:
* E-mail address
* Name
* Address
* Telephone number

3. Personal information obtained shall be used for the following purpose:
* Reply to inquiries
* Various inquiries information
* For various inquiries
* For information on our service
* To provide contracts and services based on contracts
* For business contact
* To provide information on the services of the company's products
* To provide notifications regarding the company's campaigns

4. Provision of obtained personal information to a third party
Except as agreed upon by users or when required under law, personal information obtained on the website shall not be used by any third party. However, in cases where disclosure of personal information is required by laws or regulations, or when requested by a public institution including the courts and the police, the company may disclose personal information without the consent of users.

5. Copyright
The copyright of the website belongs to E-Horizon Co., Ltd. None of the contents of the website may be copied or reproduced without permission.

6. Security
Personal information obtained through operation of the website shall be protected and managed in a safe and secure manner. The utmost care shall be paid to the security of the website. Computer equipment that stores personal information obtained during the process of operation of the website is strictly controlled to prevent access to, damage to, or falsification of internal data by unauthorized access from an external network or hacking by whatever means. Adequate and reasonable safety measures have been taken to mitigate against risks of not only leakage of data, but also of unauthorized access from outside to ensure the protection of personal information.

7. Renewal of privacy policy
The target to be accomplished in relation to the privacy policy changes depending on the degree of technical progress or security risk. The contents and scope of personal information also change according to changes in the contents of work. The privacy policy is not fixed; rather it shall be assessed and reviewed on a continuous basis according to the surrounding circumstances. Revision of the privacy policy will be notified to users by posting on the website or by a specific notice.