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For real estate owners who are considering management entrustment Contact us
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Building management

E-Management System

Our staff with their expertise and experience are ready to manage unforeseen troubles in addition
to providing the routine business practices of maintaining and operating buildings.
We provide a safe living environment for residents, with a 24-hour management system in cooperation with a security company.

What is the E-Management System?

What is the E-Management System?

We solve the problems that arise during the management of apartments and condominiums. We provide total support in all aspects of property management, including construction, facilities, legal affairs and finance through the E-Management System.
Our unique management system coupled with basic business practices, which includes patrolling and checking properties, supports the smooth operation of a property. Our qualified professionals, such as building managers and property managers, readily accommodate requests from owners and residents.

Advice for comfortable living

Advice for comfortable living

These days, when there are such a rich variety of lifestyles, many kinds of people live in leasehold property, including those who are living alone for the first time, those who have moved house, and elderly people who are living alone. In a leasehold property, various problems can occur during occupancy. We provide advice for those small but frequently occurring questions and troubles s



Simply receiving a floor plan and a description at a real-estate company and then going to view empty rooms makes it hard for customers to imagine the room furnished. Customers often have questions like, “Will the furniture we currently have fit into the new rooms?” or “What is the atmosphere like in the new apartment?” On such occasions, viewing a showroom can help customers figure out if and how furniture will fit into a room, and imagine the layout of the furniture. We have a variety of showrooms, from rooms for single people to those for families, available for a visit. Please look at a few of the examples below.。

Real estate brokerage

Purchase and sale of real estate